Home Dialysis

Welcome to Nephrology Consultant of Georgia, where we offer a wide range of renal replacement therapy options, including home dialysis. Home dialysis is similar to hemodialysis in that it purifies your blood if your kidneys cannot do it efficiently, but it is done in the comfort of your own home.

With home dialysis, you can set your own schedule, feel more in control, and have friends and family visit you while you are being treated. If you are a highly motivated dialysis patient who wants to maintain an active lifestyle and take greater responsibility for your care, then home dialysis might be a great treatment option for you.

At Nephrology Consultant of Georgia, we understand the importance of offering our patients renal replacement therapy options that fit their lifestyle and needs. Our team works closely with each patient to develop a personalized treatment plan that takes into account their specific needs and goals.

You and your doctor will discuss the quality of life benefits, as well as any medical risks, and decide together if home dialysis is the right choice for you. Our goal is to improve the overall health and well-being of our patients by providing them with the renal replacement therapy options that best fit their needs.

If you are interested in learning more about home dialysis or any of our other renal replacement therapy options, contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards managing your kidney disease with confidence.

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